MGR Medical University,India
Title: Tuberculosis related awarness among Public and Healthcare workers in rural areas.
Biography: Dr.Poornimaa.S.R
Tuberculosis (TB) has a long history. It was present before the beginning of recorded history and has left its mark on human creativity, music, art and literature; and has influenced the advance of biomedical sciences and healthcare. Its causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, may have killed more persons than any other microbial pathogen (Daniel 2006). Tuberculosis likely has been present in humans since the dawn of humankind. Every day in India more than 20,000 people become infected with the tubercle bacillus, more than 5000 develop the disease, and more than 1000 die from TB. The conditions are still unfavourable in many states in India, where the socio-economic and living conditions are unfavourable for the eradication of many diseases including TB.In developed countries tuberculosis is relatively less familiar.TB is generally referred as urban disease In India, tuberculosis kills 14 times more people than all tropical diseases combined, 21 times more than malaria, and 400 times more than leprosy. Every year, another 20 lac people develop tuberculosis in India, nearly one million of them highly infectious sputum positive cases — two such cases developing every minute. India annually spends a whopping Rs13, 000 cores each year to treat tuberculosis. My study is based on the awareness about tuberculosis among the health care workers and general population. As many scholars had suggested, improvements in socio-economic conditions played an important role in improvements in health status in the past.